Weaverville Fire Department Support Services

Minutes, Meeting September 3, 2014 5:00 p.m.

125 Bremer Street


I.                 Call to Order/Introductions: Called to order by Vice-President, Lewis Curran at 5:14 p.m. Members present: Elizabeth, Larry H., Betty, Serena, Tania, Bonnie E, Herk, Bonnie M., Bob, Terri, Shellie, Briana, Chief Alvord and Secretary Lisa. 


II.               Approve Minutes of August 6, 2014 – MSC McBrayer/Brown to approve the minutes of the August 6, 2014 meeting.


III.              Reports:

A. Treasurer: (Lisa) –reported for Marjie, $128.50 snow cone sales from the car show.  

B. Events: Car show went very well. Lewis received his Support services shirt – discussion re: group picture at October meeting; Lisa to remind everyone.


IV.             Action Items:

A. Floor Demo - (Larry H.) – Elizabeth reported for Larry, floor demolition will begin on September 19th – 21st.  Discussion on Support Services possibly providing snacks and meals for demo crew.  It was decided that it was not needed.

B.  Fire Prevention Week (Lisa) – Fire Prevention Week at WES is October 5-11.  Support Services can help, sign-up sheets will be created when times are established.  Scott will talk to WES soon to get details of class sizes.  Support Services to help put together goodie packets, help with demonstrations with the house and anything needed regarding Fire Prevention Week.  Lisa will get back to everyone on the times needed – only need about three to four Support Services workers each day.  Scott wants to have the house at the Harvest Festival to work out any “bugs” before Fire Prevention Week.  Harvest Festival is September 27th with three sign-up crews of 9a.m.-11a.m., 11a.m.-1p.m., and 1p.m.-3p.m.  Lisa will get the sign-ups ready.  On September 17 at 6:00 p.m. there will be a planning and practice meeting for Support Services to work out details of the Fire House.

C.  Halloween (Tina) – Tina absent, discussion on getting together with the Factory to come up with something for the community.   

D.  Organize Support Services supplies for quick and easy deployment/ discuss phone tree and procedures – A group got together on Wednesday July 30 and organized the supplies.  Tania went over procedures.  Lengthy discussion on the phone tree.  A new contact list will be made and distributed.


V.               Unit Reports:

A.  Logistics: (Tania) – Oregon Fire – Went very smoothly, had cookers, cleaners and the firefighters appreciated the meal.  The phone tree was not implemented due to members showing up and there was plenty of help.  Some members of the public also helped and donated food.  Discussion on food needed for the freezer.  Scott mentioned that DCFD, LFD, and JCFD were interested in helping with Support Services, possibly have Tina talk to them.

B.  EMS Support: (Serena) – Larry Horrocks went through the medical bags and found some needed some items.  Bags are good now.

C.  Maintenance: (Bonnie M.) – Lisa reported, Station 1 painting, and floors.

D.  Technology: (Lisa) – Mike keeping up on the website – doing an excellent job.  Anyone may send him photos to post on the Website.   

E.   Public Events/Education: (Lisa) – Harvest Festival, and Fire Prevention Week.  Relay for life team ME needs more help.  Serena passed out brochures and sign-up sheets for the cook off, desert competition, and chili feed.

F.  Recruitment and Retention: (Lona) – Scott, banner is up.  Recruited and accepted a member this week.  Discussion on career day at the High School, need more women FF to attend to attract girls too, not just boys.


VI.              Open Forum and Topics for Next Meeting:  Next meeting: Fire Prevention Week, Halloween, and Christmas Dinner.   


VII.            Adjourn:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:26 p.m.